October 30, 2023
Have you ever wondered if you need to invest big bucks in fancy devices or exercise equipment to stop your bladder leaks or urinary incontinence?
In today’s world, there’s an abundance of technological solutions aimed at addressing these issues. From high-tech gadgets to smartphone apps and new exercise equipment, it seems like everyone is talking about new devices designed to help women with urinary incontinence and pelvic floor problems.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the effectiveness of these devices and whether they’re worth the investment.
I am a pelvic floor physical therapist with 22 years of experience. I’ve dedicated my entire career to helping women overcome pelvic floor issues and improve their quality of life. I have taken extensive training courses and worked with thousands of women over the years. In the more recent years of my work, there has been a surge in the development of devices and products aimed at addressing bladder leaks and incontinence. You’ve probably come across advertisements and discussions about these solutions on social media, Google, or even morning news shows. My first thought with all of this is that the increased focus on women’s pelvic health is a positive development, because it is encouraging open conversations about these hard topics and common issues.
It’s important to acknowledge that pelvic floor issues are more common than you might think. Research indicates that one in three women will experience some form of pelvic floor problem in their lifetime. With such a high prevalence, it’s no surprise that various devices and products have emerged to tackle these issues.
While these devices and products promise relief from pelvic floor problems, it’s crucial to exercise caution and consider the effectiveness of these solutions. As a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, I’ve seen many women invest in different devices that didn’t provide the expected results. It’s essential to approach these options with a critical eye.
One of my primary concerns with many of these devices is their singular focus on Kegel contractions. While Kegel exercises are beneficial for strengthening the pelvic floor, they represent only one aspect of pelvic floor health. In reality, there are four ways to activate the pelvic floor muscles: moving front to back, side to side, rotating, and vertically contracting. These devices often overlook the importance of engaging the pelvic floor in all four directions. By solely concentrating on vertical contractions (Kegels), they miss out on the comprehensive approach required to strengthen the entire pelvic floor effectively.
My secondary concern (and the good news for you) is that you DO NOT need expensive gadgets to address pelvic floor issues. As children, we all successfully learned to use the toilet without the need for specialized devices, exercise equipment, or clothing. Our bodies have the innate ability to strengthen the pelvic floor through natural movements.
To improve your pelvic floor health, focus on reacquainting your body with how to move properly. Avoid excessive sitting, which can lead to repetitive patterns and weaken the pelvic floor. Instead, incorporate more movement into your daily routine, including exercises that engage your pelvic floor in all four directions.
In conclusion, while there is a growing market for devices and exercise equipment designed to address bladder leaks and incontinence, it’s essential to approach them with caution and a critical mindset. Many of these gadgets neglect essential aspects of pelvic floor health and wellness. Remember that you have the power to improve your pelvic floor health without fancy, expensive devices. By incorporating natural movements into your daily routine, you can take control of your pelvic floor health and enjoy a better quality of life.
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